Tag: coding

Blog > coding

Choosing an IaC Language for Your Project

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  • coding
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  • reflections

You’re starting a new project, you’ve got cloud infrastructure to build, and you know that defining your infrastructure-as-code (IaC) is crucial for most modern software projects. But what language should you use for your IaC? Most of us will be familiar with the ubiquitous Terraform, but what about the new kids on the block like Pulumi? Or the cloud-specific options like AWS CloudFormation and Cloud Development Kit (CDK)?

Fleabag API - Quick Node.js API with Express & TypeScript

  • coding

I recently started in a new job, a big part of my motivation to move being to get back to being hands-on with tech and writing code, with a better balance of coding/management. Aside from working through my AWS Solutions Architect certification, I’ve been dusting off the cobwebs and writing a bit of code for fun.

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